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外媒惊曝:美国有军方布景的公司在500多款使用中植入盯梢软件,触及数亿用户 | 外媒说






Many private-sector companies in the advertising and marketing world buy and sell geolocation data, sometimes reselling it to government agencies or contractors. But the direct collection of such data by a business closely linked to US national security agencies is unusual。

这家坐落弗吉尼亚州的美国小公司名叫Anomaly Six,由两名有情报布景的美国退伍军人兴办。



Anomaly Six LLC a Virginia-based company founded by two US military veterans with a background in intelligence, said in marketing material it is able to draw location data from more than 500 mobile applications, in part through its own software development kit, or SDK, that is embedded directly in some of the apps。


An SDK allows the company to obtain the phone"s location if consumers have allowed the app containing the software to access the phone"s GPS coordinates。

公司怎么盈余呢?Anomaly Six这样的SDK制造商,出售顾客数据,以此牟取暴利。然后分一大笔给使用程序发行商。


据《华尔街日报》报导,Anomaly Six公司与哪些使用程序协作尚不清楚,该公司以保密协议为由回绝置评。在商业数据出售范畴,数据公司和使用程序开发商之间的协作联系通常是严厉保密的商业秘密。

The partnerships between data brokers and app makers are typically closely held trade secrets within the world of commercial-data sales。



According to interviews with numerous people in the industry, there is little regulation in the US about the buying and selling of location data, leading to what one industry veteran called "the Wild West"。



Anomaly Six与美国政府的联系怎么被露出的

Anomaly Six本来高度隐秘,为何能露出呢?原因竟然像极了狗血电视剧里的桥段。

Anomaly Six其实并不是第一家干数据生意的公司,也不是最早跟美国军方协作的公司。该公司的两位创始人2018年从一家名为Babel Street的公司离任,开端抢“老东家”的生意。总算,被“老东家”告上了法庭。

The two founders of Anomaly Six formerly worked for Babel Street and left in 2018, according to the lawsuit。

《华尔街日报》在文章中兴奋地写道:“Babel Street两年前对Anomaly Six及其创始人提起的诉讼为咱们供给了一个窗口,让咱们得以一窥这个竞赛剧烈、高度隐秘的商场,即把用户数据作为产品供给给美国政府。”

A lawsuit filed by Babel Street two years ago against Anomaly Six and its founders offers a window into the competitive and largely secretive market of providing consumer location products to the US government。

据悉,Anomaly Six的创始人,美国前陆军反间谍官员布兰登·赫夫(Brandan Huff)曾负责处理Babel Street与国防部的联系,还为许多其他国防承揽商工作过。法庭记载显现,另一位创始人名叫杰弗里·海因茨(Jeffrey Heinz)也曾在美国陆军执役,负责处理Babel Street与司法部、美国络司令部、民间联邦组织和情报组织的联系。

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