
发布时间:   来源:华盛通


而摩根大通做出这一判断的原因在于,预期通货膨胀提升或维持不变——中国防疫政策边际调整之后,对大宗商品需求再次上涨,需求提升推高价格。(编者注:中国12月财新服务业PMI 48,预期 46.8,前值 46.7。中国12月财新综合PMI 48.3,前值 47)






















另外,人们对央行储备和支付系统有足够的担忧,因此在今年伊始,黄金成为许多人最青睐的投资之一。黄金倾向于与实际收益率反向移动,虽然这种关系在2022Q4出现了背离(编者注:参考下图),但可能会出现均值回归。Natasha Kaneva和她的团队预计今年黄金均价为1785美元,较上周五收盘下跌2%。

BULL CASE: includes the above elements but is largely predicated on a less aggressive Fed that manifests in a weaker USD and bond yields that fail to retest highs. Further, the strength of labor markets as inflation dissipates should help bolster growth.

BEAR CASE: in addition to the above variables, the key here is inflation that either moves higher or stays constant around these levels. The most likely scenario is a stronger than expected Chinese reopening which increases commodity prices, especially in the Energy complex, that cuts spending without loosening the labor market.

DA&A QUANT VIEW: is currently Neutral based on our Signal from the Noise and Tactical Positioning monitors. To get more bullish, those quant signals would need to see either (i) improved fundamentals such as a weaker USD, strong ISM, or positive earnings revisions Or (i) an improvement in the positioning backdrop.

US MKT INTEL VIEW: sits between the base case and the bull case. Q1 is likely to remain challenging with the Fed active, but nearing the end of the tightening cycle, with macro data given mixed signals. Inflation is dissipating but if we need labor markets to normalize to push the Fed firmly on the sidelines, that seems unlikely to come to fruition in 2023. Thought differently, COVID created a structural headwind to labor supply which is unlikely to change over the next 12 months. That said, Q1 seems to be another quarter where Equities are driven by FICC markets. Given the potential for USD and bond yields to move higher, a further move higher in real yields, and a further flattening of the yield curve we maintain our cautious View. If possible, a market-neutral approach and would sell any rally that takes the SPx to / through the 4k level. A combination of Value, Defensive, and Quality factors is what would dominate our longs. From a sector perspective, consider longs in Energy and Healthcare. Regarding Energy, with WTI trading near the bottom of its $75-$90 near-term range, we like owning Energy Equities ; though, the spread between Energy ETFs and WTI broaden over 22Q4 which could see some compression before the group moves higher. For shorts, Tech is likely to remain challenged especially unprofitable Tech and Semis may continue their weakness as scarcity transforms to surplus. Real Estate / REITs are another area where the medium-term path is lower.

◆Separately, there is enough concern over central bank reserves and payment systems that gold is among many people" s favorite investments as we launch the year. Gold tends to move inversely to real yields, but that relationship has diverged in 22Q4, so we may see some mean-reversion. Natasha Kaneva and team see gold averaging $1785 this year, -2% from Friday" s close.





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